Cunningham 5 to take part in NYC Marathon

Marathon Participants pictured with James McCaffrey from Southern Area Hospice

Cunningham CEO Tim Cunningham along with his wife Joanne and their colleagues Jonny Compston, Caolan Rowntree and Ronan McAuley are taking part in the New York City Marathon on 3rd November 2024 to raise much needed funds for the Southern Area Hospice.

Southern Area Hospice Services provide the highest standard of specialist palliative care to individuals with complex life-limiting conditions, irrespective of their condition or place of care.  Their services are available to patients who live within the Southern Health Board region.  This high-quality care extends beyond the Hospice into the community and the hospital services.  Its aim is to enhance the quality of life for patients by responding to the physical, psychological, emotional, spiritual and social needs and supporting families and carers, thus enabling each person to live every day to the full.

The team held a Summer BBQ fundraiser for their colleagues last week in PJ O’Hare’s in Carlingford to help with their fundraising efforts.  To date, almost €9,000 has been raised.

All donations are greatly appreciated as we aim to achieve our €25,000 target. Click HERE to donate.

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