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Construction Safety Month 2023 – #CIFSafety23

Throughout Construction Safety Month 2023 – #CIFSafety23 – the entire team at Cunningham Contracts Group is seizing the moment to focus on the different types of critical risk we encounter in the workplace.

We’re joining our colleagues across the industry and redoubling our efforts to understand, control and raise awareness of critical risk in our business and within the construction sector.

In all that we do, we approach our work with a can-do attitude. Across the pharmaceutical, healthcare, specialist IT, education, housing and commercial sectors, critical risk varies greatly and so too does our approach to critical risk management.

Among the core pillars of our business are delivering excellence for clients at every opportunity; inspiring our people to be their best; and ensuring colleagues arrive to work safe, conduct their work safely, and return home at the end of the day safe. And so, our commitment to safety first work practices is always on.

Throughout the remainder of #CIFSafety23 we will be sharing more about some of the critical risks our business faces on a daily basis and the measures we put in place to manage them.

Keep an eye out on our social media channels to stay up to date with photo and video capturing seminars and other initiatives we’re running across the month.

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